What Makes A Real Friend?

Not too long ago, I went through a very difficult time. Personally I was struggling and externally people with an agenda were making up crap about me on social media. It was a really dark time for me. People who I thought were my friends refused to speak up for me. I learned a lot about who my real friends are and about human nature.

I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for a strong support system. If you find yourself in a dark place, the most important thing you can do is surround yourself with people who love & support you.

If people only like you when you’re popular, they’ll disappear when you’re not.

The Importance of Incorporating Solitude Into Your Everyday Life

When was the last time you were alone, truly alone?

Let’s do a little thought experiment. What is the longest time you’ve ever been alone and unplugged from your TV, phone, and the internet? Being busy is a high priority, we have this almost compulsion to be active and producing something, watching something, listening to something at all times. When is the last time you sat in the silence and were alone with your mind? Continue reading “The Importance of Incorporating Solitude Into Your Everyday Life”